Produkte für Papiermaschinen

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Showing 11-19 of 19 Paper Mill Products

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The Stylus Platform is a Double Layer incompressible base designed for presses with medium to lower water handling requirements.


TriFlow™ is a Patented Hybrid Design utilizing a combination of a unique non-woven CD oriented base module inserted between a top and bottom woven base module.

TriFlow™ 2/TriFlow™ 2E

TriFlow™ 2 is the evolution of the first intrinsic 3-Layer Seamed base design in the industry. It is a Patented Hybrid Design utilizing a combination of a unique non-woven CD oriented base module inserted between a top and bottom woven base module.

TriFlow™ VR

TriFlow VR is the first Intrinsic 3-Layer application specifically designed for vibration prone positions.

x AccuDry™ EurAsia

The AccuDry is a 1+1 laminate specifically designed for high speed Crescent Formers.

x AXiom™ Platform EurAsia

For Optimal Performance in Printing and Writing grades.

x Nitro™ EurAsia

Nitro is a unique new approach developed in AstenJohnson’s R&D Labs to enhance the performance of press fabrics.

X Stylus™ Platform EurAsia

The High Performance Solution for Packaging and Containerboard. In 2 layer, 3 layer and 4 layer base structures for optimal dewatering.

Yamauchi Shoe Press Belt

Specially formulated polyurethane used to provide industry leading deformation resistance

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